NFT domain names have already hit a big name on the internet and a major community of people online are talking about it on a daily basis. If you’re one of them then you must’ve heard about What is is a web3 domain name marketplace that caters to support a number of NFT domain name TLDs to be minted, bought, and sold all in one place.
What is so unique about and how does it change the way NFT domain names are sold and bought? Well, has a very simple mechanism for minting domain names. On top of that, it has a P2P Marketplace for crypto domains where you can list or buy NFT domains and also interact with the web3 enthusiastic community. Apart from that, has a fast and robust search mechanism that allows you to easily find your preferred domain name. Along with that, it offers you various ways to utilize the crypto domain name that you just minted.
What are the .metaverse domain names and why are they so popular?

.Metaverse domain names are just TLDs built on the ethereum blockchain. But why are they so popular? Let’s start from the basics. So, NFT domain names will power up decentralized websites on the web3, which literally makes them tickets to the web3. Apart from that, the metaverse is a full-blown industry that is growing by leaps and bounds every day both in technological and popularity terms.
Take both of those things and club them together and you get a .metaverse domain name. Now, has solved a problem. How? NFT domain names can be used to host decentralized websites on the web3 but this cannot be done by a normal browser such as chrome. So, the ecosystem is soon to release a chrome extension that will allow its users to host decentralized websites using their NFT domain names and also browse through the web3.
This brings up the potential opportunity to host a web3 decentralized website that will put out metaverse-related content. Since the metaverse is such a huge hit, it is a no-brainer that metaverse domain name TLDs are also at the top of the charts.
How do you mint a dot metaverse domain name?
A .metaverse domain name can be minted by simply going to After you get here simply connect your metamask or trust wallet to the website. Thereafter go to the .metaverse domains section. Here search for your preferred NFT domain name. Once you’re done with that, you can check its availability of it. If it is available then you will be shown the mint option. Here you can press it and then wait for the transaction to appear on your wallet. Confirm the transaction to make the metaverse domain name yours.
Now you can store the domain name on your crypto wallet or else use it to host a decentralized website on the web3 using the ecosystem. There are many more things that will open up soon for applying the NFT domains from the Ecosystem as it progresses. The TLDs are also bound to expand as adds more through its progress roadmap.
Why should I get a .metaverse domain soon?

Getting a .metaverse domain name from That’s a no-brainer. Once you mint the domain name you can choose to keep it or sell it on the P2P marketplace on Let’s say you’ve done that. You sold your .metaverse crypto domain name. For being the original user who minted the NFT domain name, you will be eligible to receive a royalty from every transaction that the NFT domain name goes through forever.
That’s not all, with the Metaverse domain names growing and increasing in demand, .metaverse domain names will pull in a considerable value. There you go, all you need to know is to get yourself up and running with a .metaverse domain name. See you at