Recently, KuCoin posted a statement on its public Telegram channel stating that the information is not verified and is false.
But, after a short time, a screenshot of a GoDaddy mail uncovered that the web domain registrar placed under a court order, which was issued by the High Court of Singapore.

Using the new file, the cryptographic signature on the email was authenticated, which further proved that the address of the email was This showed that GoDaddy sent the email.
Further information regarding the Court Order:
The complete details and contents of the court order not yet made available to the public as the Singaporean court system had to maintain a level of privacy.
However, by utilizing Singapore’s eLitigation database, the court order issued by Justice Kannan Ramesh was verified. The case number shown was HC/OS 342/2020.

According to the court order, the list of the defendants is MEK Global Ltd, PhoenixFin Ltd., and PhoenixFin PTE Ltd.
According to a report, these organizations have been passing trademark rights for the KuCoin logo within themselves for a while. PhoenixFin PTE is the owner of domain name as per the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, which stated the company’s address as just “Singapore, Singapore.”
According to the database, the plaintiff in the case against KuCoin is Convexity Limited. This shares a name as the last four digits of its identity number with Convexity.
Convexity has not yet responded to the press. According to an anonymous source, Convexity provided cyber-security services to KuCoin under a long term contract.