Bitcoin charity event announced by Hal Finney's wife
She stated that the purpose of the gathering is to raise money to help people living with ALS.
What's to happen?
Hal Finney's wife, Fran, has scheduled a fundraising event for those with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). During the event, Finney promoted Bitcoin (1) on Twitter. To help raise money to battle the illness, users are encouraged to run a half marathon and post about their experiences on social media between January 1 and January 10, 2023. Fran Finney shared the news on Hal Finney's official Twitter account. She had previously reactivated the account to prevent Twitter from deleting old accounts.
Hal Finney's relation with Bitcoin
"Running Bitcoin" was given its moniker after the first Bitcoin tweet ever using Hal Finney which is being organized in collaboration with the ALS Association Golden West Chapter took place just a few days after Bitcoin went online in 2009. According to its website, the group offers educational resources and equipment loans to ALS patients. The organization hopes to generate money from the event by giving certain contributors official Running Bitcoin T-shirts and rare Hal Finney items. Hi everyone, this is Fran Finney, wife of Hal Finney, an early pioneer of Bitcoin. I want to let you know about a special event I'm organizing in honor of my husband. Thank you for all your interest in Hal and your support... he would love it! 1/5
— halfin (@halfin) December 27, 2022
An early proponent of cryptocurrency was Hal Finney himself. Reusable Proof of Work (RPOW), a method that enabled receivers to reuse Hashcash coins, was developed by him in 2004. Although it operates on a controlled server rather than a decentralized network, RPOW is sometimes seen as a proto-cryptocurrency. Finney added code to the Bitcoin codebase before it was made available to the general public in January 2009, 2008, and early 2009. In the first Bitcoin transaction, Satoshi Nakamoto transferred 10 BTC, making him the recipient. Before receiving an ALS diagnosis in August 2009, Hal Finney had been an ardent runner for much of his life. He battled the illness for several years until being cryonically preserved in 2014.